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Twitter has the plague this morning …

[ETA: Twitter says things are back to normal again. This seems to be true as far as I can tell. Thank goodness gracious!] If you’ve noticed some frustrating brands of funkiness going on with Twitter this morning, it’s not just you. There’s a security flaw that’s being exploited out the wazoo. Mostly, it’s just obnoxious—blocking access to using your Twitter home page and auto-retweeting the problem-causing code any time you mouse over. But there’ve also been reports of the trick being used to send users to hard-core porn sites (problematic at work, to say the least) and the good folks at Sophos are worried that it also lead to spam pop-up waterfalls and being redirected to sites full of malicious code. They’re suggesting you stay off Twitter for the time-being, to slow the spread and protect your computer. Third-party clients seem to be are OK.

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