Dad arrested for confronting bullies who tormented his 13-year daughter who has cerebral palsy

I don't really blame this 42-year-old father for getting on a bus and yelling at some kids who were bullying his 13-year-old daughter, who has cerebral palsy.

James Jones, 42, is facing two misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and disturbing a school function following his tirade on a Florida school bus on Thursday.

A surveillance video from the bus showed Jones using profane language as he threatened students who his daughter said had put open condoms on her head and hurt her by smacking her on the back of her head and twisting her ear.

“Now everybody sit down; sit down,” Jones said on the surveillance tape. “Show me which one. Show me which one.”

The video showed Jones' daughter pointing him in their direction.

“This is my daughter, and I will kill the (expletive) who fought her,” Jones said on the video.

I think the little assholes got off pretty easy.

Dad boards school bus to accuse bullies (Via Arbroath)