Boing Boing Staging

How to give an opossum a "proper pedicure"

“Do not put false fingernails on an opossum. I cannot emphasize this enough.” Video link.

The uploader and star (well, the human star) of this video, ME Pearl, has no fewer than nine opossum videos on her channel.

And her website is not to be missed. Read the “Herstory.” Or the Pearl Prophecies.

(images courtesy of; link via BB Submitterator, thanks Freddie Freelance!)

Update: Is this real, or is it viral marketing? “Site Design and edits by,” says the website. Lots of squirrel and critter stuff here and here, and her web designers are in Santa Monica. A Boing Boing reader points out that MeFi commenters identified her as “Anna Dresdon: Actress, Mime, Acting Coach.” A mystery, still. (Thanks, Andrea James!)

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