My Melbourne schedule: Melbourne Writers' Festival and World Science Fiction Convention

I've just done the online checkin for my flight to Australia tomorrow for the Melbourne Writers' Festival and the World Science Fiction Convention (also in Melbourne), so now seems like a good time to publish my schedule of appearances for the week that I'm there:

Melbourne Writers' Festival:
Lecture, 1800h, Thursday, September 2, RMIT Capitol Theatre: Big Ideas: Copyright versus Creativity

(Note: the seminar announced for Sept 1 has been rescheduled; I'll post here when I have the final info)

World Science Fiction Convention:
Border crossing: YA authors writing for adults and vice versa (Thursday, Sept 2, 1500h, Room 212)

Making a living: Professional writing for speculative fiction authors (Friday, Sept 3, 1200h, Room 219)

Copyright in the 21st Century (Saturday, Sept 4, 1000h, Room 203)

To market: How to sell your short stories (Saturday, Sept 4, 1100h, Room P3)

Did the future just arrive?: The e-book and the publishing industry (Saturday, Sept 4, 1300h, Room P3)

The writer and the audience: Online interaction and public personae (Saturday, Sept 4, 1500h Room 204)

Reading (Sunday, Sept 5, 1000h)

Kaffeeklatsch (Sunday, Sept 5, 1100h)

The future of short fiction (Monday, Sept 5, 1100h, Room 203

Dirty feed (Monday, Sept 5, 1200h, Room 210)