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Toad-licking restaurant chef fined after being caught on tape

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An Iowa restaurant was fined $335 after the head chef was caught “kissing and licking live toads” in the kitchen.

Christopher Turla, who goes by the name TaiMaiShu at the popular Japanese restaurant, is seen on the tape inside the restaurant during business hours with two small toads on the prep table where vegetables are cut.

As customers linger in the dining room, he picks up the toads, then kisses them a few times, repeatedly licks them, then stuffs them both in his mouth and puts both of his hands back on the table.

“It was a joke, it was like a dare to myself, if I can lick a frog or kiss a frog,” Turla said after getting the citation.

Chef in hot water after licking frog, posting video on Facebook (Via Arbroath)

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