Boing Boing Staging

Boing Boing Video on Virgin America: now with new EFF PSAs!

When you fly Virgin America Airlines, you can enjoy original Boing Boing Video episodes (and short films, animations, remixes, and music videos from creators whose work we dig) on our in-flight entertainment channel. We’re somewhere north of CNN and south of Fox News on the free satellite TV dial. And starting this month on the Boing Boing channel, you can see some fun PSAs from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I think they’re great, and I’m proud to run them!

The EFF’s Richard Esguerra explains: “Earlier this year, EFF worked with Bucknell University Professor Eric Faden (of A Fair(y) Use Tale fame) to create these two video PSAs about important, cutting-edge digital rights issues. Hopefully, viewers are reminded of the very important idea that many of the rights and protections we have in the physical world should apply to the digital world as well.”

More about “the making of,” and a full list of credits, at the EFF blog. Above, the Digital Books and EULAs spot. Below, the PSA for Online Behavioral Tracking.

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