Boing Boing Staging

UK-wide teen hackathon, Aug 2-6: Young Rewired State

Stef sez, “Young Rewired State is a multi-city, multi-day UK event to get the best of young UK coding talent mashing up government data and generally encouraging insightful and innovative trouble-making.”

During the first week of August, Young Rewired State will again show what groups of talented young coders can do with Government data. Young developers will spend the week at centres held at businesses and organisations across the UK, working with established tech teams, mentors and visiting experts making apps, websites, games and visualisations.

These will then be played back to an awed roomful of Press, government and interested people on the Friday afternoon in London, with pizza, cake and drinks.

Stef adds, “There’s prizes too!”

#yrs2010 = Young geeks + mentors + 1 week
August 2-6, across the UK.

(Thanks, Stef!)

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