Boing Boing Staging

Winds howl over the deserted moonscape behind Rupert Murdoch's UK newspaper paywalls

Newser’s Michael Wolff has a report from behind Rupert Murdoch’s notorious UK paywalls which went up this month around The Times and Sunday Times‘s sites, which are apparently ghost-towns, unpeopled even by the print subscribers who get free access but can’t be arsed to log in (and never follow links to Times stories, since chances are anyone in a position to make such a link doesn’t have an account for the site).

The wider implications of this emptiness are only just starting to become clear. A Murdoch and Fleet Street veteran with whom I’ve been corresponding about the paywall reported to me on his recent conversation with an A-list entertainment publicist: “What was really interesting to me was that this person volunteered a blinding realization. ‘Why would I get any of my clients to talk to the Times or the Sunday Times if they are behind a paywall? Who can see it? I can’t even share a link and they aren’t on search. It’s as though their writers don’t exist anymore…'”

What’s Really Going on Behind Murdoch’s Paywall?

(via /.)

(Image: Desert Moon Rising, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from joshsommers’s photostream)

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