Boing Boing Staging

David Fincher's "Girl With Dragon Tattoo" remake starring… Die Antwoord's Yo-Landi?

yoland.jpgReports are circulating that director David Fincher imagines Die Antwoord‘s Yo-Landi Vi$$er in the role of fem-hacker/ass-buster/avenging angel Lisbeth Salander for his upcoming remake of “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” (book / film). New York Magazine, Slashfilm, and Twitchfilm have items explaining why she’d be dynamite in this role, given the character’s description in the original book. I reached out to Yo-Landi to set the record straight, and alas (or not), it is not to be. Ms. Vi$$er declined the role. She *will* be busting ass and avenging injustice, but in her existing role as frontwoman for the South African rap-rave act, which will be touring, recording, and promoting like hell around the globe for the foreseeable future. (thanks for the tip, Richard LaRue / photographer unknown, ganked from Yo-Landi’s Facebook profile)

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