Boing Boing Staging

Carlos Ramos paintings inspired by Kubrick films

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Animator and fine artist Carlos Ramos has created a magnificent series of paintings inspired by the films of Stanley Kubrick. The show, titled “Kubrick,” opens July 10 at CoproGallery in Santa Monica, California, and runs until August 3. Above, “The Death of Frank Poole, from 2001: A Space Odyssey” (cel vinyl on wood, 18″ x 24″). More images after the jump.

“What’s in Room 237?, from The Shining” (cel vinyl on wood, 24″ x 36″); “Dr. Strangelove, from Dr. Strangelove” (cel vinyl on wood, 24″ x 36″)

“There’s Been A Terrible Accident, from A Clockwork Orange” (cel vinyl on wood, 24″ x 48″)

Carlos Ramos’s Kubrick Show preview

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