Boing Boing Staging

Photos of amazing NuPenny toy store in Portland, Maine

Regier Nupenny Portland 03

I’m sorry I missed the “Grand Not Opening” of Randy Regier‘s NuPenny Toy store in Portland, Maine last Friday.

Randy had this to say about NuPenny:

[P]erhaps most compelling for me was to attempt to create a physical place and occurrence that appears as if in a dream – familiar and believable yet somehow out of our grasp – in the physical sense but also slightly out of reach of our collective memory. Because of this the door of the NuPenny store is always locked and all text has been rendered in Teletype punch-tape code. The toys are all original constructions of mine; none of the toys are or were vintage playthings, nor are any of them made from toy parts. All toys in my NuPenny store are manufactured from 20th century industrial, scientific and household flotsam and jetsam, and from scratch when necessary. 

Conceptually each toy is my interpretation of a song lyric, poem or literary work that has affected me. By using the NuPenny/Teletype code card that is available on this site you can easily (though perhaps not quickly) read the ‘text’ on each toy, box and placard. More toys will occur, and arrive in the store over time, as I have the means to make them. 

More photos after the jump.

NuPenny Toy Store

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