Today's Hello: a longer look behind the cape of Joe Danger

Above, a rare glimpse at an indie game developer actually enjoying and being challenged by their own game (alongside this extra Coin Dash here), provided by the UK's Hello Games and their upcoming PlayStation Network debut Joe Danger.

It's been a while since I last mentioned the IGF-finalist Danger, but the team have been doing an amazing job at documenting the highs and lows of their first time striking out in the indie world, with an incredibly honest and open diary at Edge Magazine. This week's entry is particularly enlightening:

It was late last year and I was sat shivering in my car, shouting into my mobile and trying to pretend Hello Games owned a conference line and a meeting room. I decided it best not to mention that I was racking up a huge mobile bill as three grown men discussed the importance of monkeys to the digital download demographic.

"We've been talking a lot about this, Sean. You know we love you guys and we love Joe Danger. I'm just not sure how other people feel about it. It's a cute game, so marketing are thinking maybe a cuter character… like a monkey. We're loving monkeys."

I wish I could say I hung up the phone immediately. I wish I could say that, but I didn't.

Get to better know Hello via their official site or the ongoing Edge diaries.