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Dairy farm worker arrested on 12 counts of cruelty after undercover video goes viral


One of the dairy factory-farm workers who reportedly appeared in an internet video in which multiple men tortured cows has been arrested on 12 counts of animal cruelty. The animal rights group Mercy for Animals shot the undercover footage, and released it online. The video shows men:

• Violently punching young calves in the face, body slamming them to the ground, and pulling and throwing them by their ears

• Routinely using pitchforks to stab cows in the face, legs, and stomach

• Kicking “downed” cows (those too injured to stand) in the face and neck

• Maliciously beating restrained cows in the face with crowbars
• Twisting cows’ tails until the bones snapped

You can watch the video, or read about what it contains, here. Be forewarned, it’s a real bummer. The arrested worker’s mugshot is here. I figured a nice happy free-range bovine was better for this blog post than either of those eyeball-burners.

(Creative Commons-licensed image shot by Flickr user Ferdi’s World.)

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