Boing Boing Staging

Geek alphabet

The Geek Alphabet: a delightful picture book for nerds, made from CC-licensed images:

A is for Away Team, where you should never wear red (mild mannered photographer)
B is for Binary, 1s and 0s in your head (jpstanley)
C is for Cosplay, making cons an awesome place
D is for Doctor, who keeps changing face (great beyond)
E is for Emoticons, that tell you what we’re feeling (neal gillis)
F is for Flickr, whose photos we are “stealing” (tricky)
G is for Gadgets, the way to our heart (slipstreamjc)
H is for Hardware, I took it apart! (jurvetson)
I is for iEverything, love it or hate it (dan dickinson)
J is for Japan, we’re glad Nintendo invaded (oscar mota)
K is for Keyboard, we love every letter (andrew*)
L is for Leias, the more the better! (koadmunkee)

The Geek Alphabet
(Thanks, Charles!)

(Image: Best. Cake. Evar., a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2.0) image from donsolo’s photostream)

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