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Hurt Locker producer: criticizing our lawsuits makes you a moron and a thief


Nicholas, a Boing Boing reader in Toronto, says,

I read your article about how Voltage Pictures was planning to sue BitTorrent
users who downloaded their films
. Being the concerned citizen that I am
I emailed their president Nicolas Chartier to politely register my
disapproval. I got a direct response from him (not just a form letter),
and it was… well, you’ve got to read it for yourself.

If you’ve heard the name “Nicolas Chartier” before, it’s probably because the Hurt Locker producer was banished from the Oscars after sending an earlier round of impulsive emails. Here’s another gem to remember him by.

Mr. Chartier’s response is below (emphasis added by the editor), followed by the full text of our reader’s (very polite) email, after the jump.

From: “Nicolas Chartier”

Date: May 15, 2010 2:30:30 AM PDT

To: [redacted]@[redacted].com

Subject: RE: Hurt Locker lawsuit

Hi Nicholas, please feel free to leave your house open every time you go out and please tell your family to do so, please invite people in the streets to come in and take things from you, not to make money out of it by reselling it but just to use it for themselves and help themselves. If you think it’s normal they take my work for free, I’m sure you will give away all your furniture and possessions and your family will do the same. I can also send you my bank account information since apparently you work for free and your family too so since you have so much money you should give it away… I actually like to pay my employees, my family, my bank for their work and like to get paid for my work. I’m glad you’re a moron who believes stealing is right. I hope your family and your kids end up in jail one day for stealing so maybe they can be taught the difference. Until then, keep being stupid, you’re doing that very well. And please do not download, rent, or pay for my movies, I actually like smart and more important HONEST people to watch my films.

best regards,

Nicolas Chartier
Voltage Pictures, LLC
[address, phone, other personal details redacted]

Original email from Boing Boing reader Nicholas in Toronto follows.

—–Original Message—–

From: [redacted]@[redacted].com

Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 6:21 PM

To: Nicolas Chartier

Subject: Hurt Locker lawsuit

Dear Mr. Chartier,

I have recently become aware of Voltage Pictures’ intention to sue
thousands of people who are suspected of having used BitTorrent to
download films produced by your company.

I wish to register my disagreement with these tactics, and would
like you to know that as a result of these actions I am boycotting
your films. The majority of the people you are suing were not
seeking to make money from their downloads, and will be financially
devastated by a lawsuit or settlement. While it is completely
understandable that Voltage Pictures wishes to defend its
intellectual property, this is an inhumane way of doing so.

Until Voltage Pictures publicly states that it will not pursue
lawsuits for downloading its films, I will not view, rent or buy
any films produced wholly or in part by your company. I will urge
my friends and family to take the same actions. I do not wish for
the money I spend on entertainment to be used against otherwise
good people.

Thank you for your time.

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