Boing Boing Staging

San Francisco/For the Win: EFF benefit, signings at Borderland and Books, Inc Palo Alto

I’ve just hit San Francisco on my book tour for For the Win, and I’m doing three stops in the Bay Area:

Tonight (Monday), I’m at Borderlands Books in the Mission, reading and taking questions at 7PM

Tuesday, I’m at Books Inc in Palo Alto, as part of the Not Your Mother’s BookClub event, starting at 7PM.

Wednesday, I wrap up with a fantastic EFF benefit at the 111 Minna Gallery at 730PM.

After this, I head on Austin, where the EFF-Austin folks are planning an event in conjunction with BookPeople on Thursday, then I’m in Raleigh and Chapel Hill, then New York and Brooklyn, and finally finishing in my home town, Toronto, on June 4.

Full tour schedule

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