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Seattle tries to shut down burlesque wrestling show Lucha VaVoom

Marlow sez, “The City of Seattle Dept of Licensing is trying to shut down the Lucha VaVoom burlesque and wrestling show because they consider it professional sport instead of performance art, theatre and burlesque. So far the wrestlers have complied with their fees, their blood tests and the physical exams required of the DOL – the DOL are treating this show not as theater but real fighting like MMA, boxing, etc … plus they are shaking down the show for a portion of their door. They shut down this kind of theater in Seattle in the past, claiming it’s a real sport, when in fact it’s often choreographed. Tonight’s show is also threatened.”

So, I’ve seen this shoe, back in 2007 in LA. The idea that it’s a “sport” show is ridiculous on its face – it’s a kind of extended comedy act with a lot of pratfalls and video and so forth (incidentally, it’s also very good).

Lucha VaVoom
(Thanks, Marlow!)

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