Stone and Parker on South Park's 200th, litigious celebs and Mohammed

South Park's 200th, litigious celebs and Mohammed: Matt Stone and Trey Parker (BB Video)


In this Boing Boing Video exclusive, South Park co-creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker speak with Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin on the eve of the 200th episode of the hit Comedy Central series. Stone and Parker reveal their plans to revisit battles over the boundaries of what can and cannot be done on television—including a quest to see just how many celebrities they can manage to piss off in a single episode, and whether Comedy Central will once again try to stop them from depicting the image and voice of a cartoon version of the Muslim prophet Mohammed on the show.

The 200th episode airs Wednesday, April 14 at 10pm on Comedy Central. Fan tributes here: South Park 200 (

Related: on the Mohammed/South Park/Comedy Central controversy.

(Special thanks to the production team of Matt West and Eric Mittleman)


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