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Leonard Maltin's 151 Best Movies You've Never Seen

I generally agree with Leonard Maltin’s movie reviews. He’s a fan of ukuleles and old cartoons, too, which makes him A-OK in my book.

So I am going to add every one of his picks from 151 Best Movies You’ve Never Seen to my Netflix queue, even the ones I’ve already seen.

Fussy sourpusses will complain about the title, but I have only seen a handful of the movies Maltin recommends: Better Than Sex, Disney’s Teacher’s Pet, Idiocracy, and Zathura. And I liked those four movies a lot. That leaves 147 titles I have yet to see.

If you are familiar with Maltin’s writing, you’ll know his writing is accessible and informative. The reviews in 151 Best Movies You’ve Never Seen are like that. They’re one to two pages long, and provide just enough of the plot to get you interested without spoiling anything.

(I can’t believe I never saw The Lookout, or even heard about it until I got this book.)

Leonard Maltin’s 151 Best Movies You’ve Never Seen

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