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Pruzy's Pot: Theodore Sturgeon's hilarious gross-out National Lampoon story

Earlier this year, Spider Robinson ran a recording of science fiction great Theodore Sturgeon reading his story Pruzy’s Pot, originally published in National Lampoon in 1972 — this is one of the grossest, funniest science fiction stories you’ve ever heard, and Sturgeon reads it live before an audience who are audibly convulsed with mirth and disgust.

Without too much spoilering, Pruzy is a story of great scatological mirth, involving an extremely mysterious toilet, a strait-laced and prim school-chum, and some back-to-the-landers. I listened to it while making breakfast for the family and almost couldn’t eat it afterwards, so taken was I with both ick and ha.

Spider On The Web: Pruzy’s Pot by Theodore Sturgeon

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