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New Freddy Krueger movie promo seems to take notes from War on Terror

“Caffeine pills, self mutilation, a cold shower – what will you do to keep her awake?” That was the entirety of a promotional email I received from Warner Brothers this morning. Interactive marketing, in this case, means a Flash website where you get to make a young woman cut or burn herself. It’s like the studio marketing team is either trying to make Freddy Krueger more Saw or more Xe. Maybe they picked up tips from American black ops torturers, waterboarding detainees and forcing “stress positions” to “keep them awake” in the name of liberty. It’s odd that some producers of material intended to ring this particular psychological bell get federal obsenity charges, while others get theatrical distribution. The intersection of porn, torture, and horrorshow: this is America. / Update: Susannah Breslin’s take on this is here, at True/Slant. / Update 2: The site doesn’t seem to have any age-verification. (thanks, @propylae) / Update 3, 9pm PT: The interactive game is gone, replaced by the Nightmare on Elm Street movie trailer.

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