Boing Boing Staging

Tim and Eric Season Cinco

The fifth season of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job debuts on Sunday, February 28, on Adult Swim. Judging from the promos coming out this week, it’s going to be even more spectacularly creepy high-weird-art than seasons uno, dos, tres, or cuatro. Bring it on. Here’s one promo, and here’s another. Tim and Eric are also involved in the new HBO Funny or Die Presents show, and I’ve been really looking forward to that, too.

Update: Jeez, how could I forget the winners of Tim and Eric’s fan-made promo contest? The top 3 winners were Séamus McGuire, Griffin Urbano, and Brian Rechenmacher. All three embedded in that order after the jump. Bonus: Make Magazine staffer Tramaine de Senna entered a video in the contest, too!

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