Boing Boing Staging

1980s "China retro" shop opens in Shanghai


In America, the 80s brought us Max Headroom and power shoulder pads.

While in China, it was poly-fiber track suits and the omnipresent black handbag.

The “romance and energy of 1980s China” is now captured in Shanghai’s new Nengmao store (the original closed last year). The name comes from a misspelling from storeowner Xixi’s youth.

He says,”Neng Mao was a tiny misspelling of the word “panda” in pinyin Chinese, that I made in elementary school. For some reason, this mistake always reminds me how silly but sweet childhood is. Now I’ve made this little misspelled creature come to life and hope to remind everyone of the happiness of our childhood.”

The new Nengmao store is in Shanghai’s French Concession: Shanxi Nan Lu, Lane 38, No. 96, close to Xinle Lu.

Nengmao products also available online (Chinese only).

多谢 NeochaEDGE!

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