Boing Boing Staging

Neat mixtape of country music covers in foreign languages

Eric Steuer, best known for his work with Creative Commons and for his music project Meanest Man Contest, made a guest mixtape for the awesome LA-based country music blog “When You Awake.” The playlist is a blend of country and western classics covered in other languages. It is verifiably awesome.

Guest Mixtape: Other Countries [When You Awake]

Above, a YouTube smush-up of one of the tunes Eric selected: Inger Lise Rypdal belting out “Fru Johnsen” (1968), a Norwegian cover of “Harper Valley PTA.” (Wikipedia, IMDB, DVD) YouTube uploader Anewargentina paired the song with film footage from the movie of the same name (which spawned a TV sitcom). How do you say yee-haw in Norwegian?

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