Boing Boing Staging

Adventures in Music


When I was a kid, I always loved the “Wonderful World of Disney” show. It seemed that every show had the word “adventure” in the title. At Disneyland, Walt built a whole land around the concept of “adventure”. Today, I hope to be able to pass along to you a little of my excitement about early to mid 20th century music. I want it to be just as much fun as shooting hippos on the jungle cruise, so let’s all call it an Adventure!

Here’s how it’s going to work… I’m not a professional musician. I only know how this stuff applies to animation. I’ll share my comments and recommendations along with the clips, but that shouldn’t be the end of it. Chime in on the comments and add your own observations and recommendations. If you really like some of these clips, ask the “Boing Boing Brain Trust” for advice on what books, CDs or DVDs to look for. The clips I’m posting are just a small taste of the great stuff that’s out there. Grab on and run with it. This is going to be an educational experience for all of us.

Don on your pith helmet and safari jacket and get ready for an ADVENTURE IN MUSIC!

Annnnaaa one, Annnnaaa two…

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