Boing Boing Staging

Saturday Screening on Boing Boing: Adventures in Music


Last weekend, I had a great time hosting The Boing Boing Cartoon Circus. This Saturday afternoon, I’ll be presenting an all new show… Adventures in Music.

A lot of college students volunteer at the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive. I always ask what sort of music they listen to. Usually, they admit that they’ve never really listened to any music earlier than the Beatles. This is a shame, because as good as current music is, the history of music from the first half of the 20th century holds many more treasures. Animators in particular need to be aware of that history. Music has been an integral part of animation since before the era of the talkies. Animation timing is built on a musical beat. Music isn’t just fun… it’s important.

Late last year, I created a series of screenings for Woodbury University to expose their students to the best of 20th century music. Saturday afternoon, I’ll share a lot of that great stuff with you right here on Boing Boing. Don’t miss Adventures in Music!

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