Boing Boing Staging

Defective by Design anti-DRM picket at Apple tablet launch

John from the Free Software Foundation sez,

Apple has invited the media to “come see our latest creation” at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater this Wednesday, but given their recent track record with the iPhone’s DRM and App Store policies, it’s more likely to be “come see our latest restriction.”

The anti-DRM Defective by Design campaign will be on-hand to highlight the threats Apple poses to computer user freedom. We’re asking people to come out and join us for a little theater of our own, and to help take photos and talk to folks around the event about DRM. We got through to Jobs before on music DRM — we can do it again with the App Store.

Support DbD at Apple’s Jan. 27 “Come see our latest restriction” event in SF

(Thanks, John!)

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