Boing Boing Staging

See you in 2010!

I’m about to leave the office for the last time this year and head off on holidays. I’ve got one more blog-post queued up — a review of a kids’ book that’ll go live tomorrow morning — and that’s all you’ll hear from me until Jan 11. I’m not going to be taking in email while I’m away. If you send me a message, you’ll get an autoresponder telling you to try again after Jan 11, something that I picked up from danah boyd. It’s the best answer I’ve found to resolving the problem of coming back from a nice, relaxing vacation to find 20,000 emails waiting for you. So this is me, signing off.

Thanks for an outstanding 2009, filled with many weird turns, delights shared, pains commiserated over, victories and defeats. I’m off to spend a couple wonderful weeks with my family, and to leave Boing Boing in the hands of my kick-ass co-editors. I’ll see you next year.

I’m sure it’ll be a doozy.

(Image: Lonely Hammock, a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike image from *Micky’s photostream)

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