Boing Boing Staging

Photos from "The Year Before the Flood"

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I beg your pardon for missing my post yesterday. I was struggling to get the first Postmamboism T-shirt manufactured, celebrating the publication of “Principles of Postmamboism.” Looks like I’ll have ’em sometime between Monday and Wednesday. The graphic that accompanied that article — “Abre kuta güiri mambo” (open up your ears and listen to the important matter”) — is going to be the T-shirt image, only printed in red on black instead of black on white. Damn, I haven’t made a T-shirt since the last Muñequitos tour.

Today’s post is pictures, specifically from New Orleans, and more specifically from my book The Year Before The Flood. To my delight and astonishment, my publisher (Lawrence Hill Books) gave me a 16-page color glossy insert for my photos, along with the black-and-whites sprinkled through the text. Most of them were taken during the almost-year we lived in New Orleans, which is the slice of time the book is about: from August 2004 to May 2005. Here are a few of the pix, though I do think they look better bigger, on paper:

Above, Aldo “Michael” Andrews, of the Bayou Steppers Social Aid and Pleasure Club, in front of the entrance to the Mother-in-Law Lounge in Tremé as their anniversary parade drew to a close on January 16, 2005. Moments after this picture was taken, the police turned on their sirens and ordered the area cleared.

Outdoor opening pageant of the Pussyfooters’ Ball, in front of the Country Club in the Bywater, October 30, 2004. (Velvia 50 ASA, bulb setting, if you’re old enough to remember film.)

Alfred Growe, trombonist of Stooges Brass Band, outside Juicey’s Lounge in the Irish Channel, during a rest stop on the Prince of Wales Social Aid and Pleasure Club (established in 1928, the second oldest club still marching in New Orleans) anniversary parade, October 17, 2004.

Three great New Orleans drummers: Earl Palmer, Zigaboo Modeliste, Smokey Johnson, assembled for a Tipitina’s Foundation event, January 15, 2005.

A texture of live oak branches.

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