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Church daycare drugged kids?

Police are investigating Cincinnati’s Covenant Apostolic Church day care for allegedly giving kids Melatonin mixed with candy to get them to sleep at naptime. Perhaps they were out of sacramental wine. From

“The investigation has just begun and the Springfield Township Police Department does not know definitively at this time which staff members were involved in providing the dietary supplement to the children and which children were given (it),” (Police Chief David Heimpold) wrote (in a letter to children’s parents). “However, we are providing this information to you at this time so that you can take whatever actions you deem necessary to protect your child or children in the event that they were given Melatonin on one or more occasions…”

The daycare remains open today, but church officials have not responded to several requests for comment. Pastor Shelly Hendricks told WKRC-TV (Channel 12 News) on Monday night that the workers who allegedly gave the drug to the children no longer work there.

“Probe: Did daycare kids get sleep aids?” (Thanks, Rick Pescovitz!)

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