Boing Boing Staging

Auction of psychedelic posters by Joe McHugh


Eleven signed East Totem West posters by psychedelic artist Joe McHugh from the late 1960s are up for auction on eBay as a set. His famed “White Rabbit” poster (detail shown inset) is included. This image was the cover for the book “The White Rabbit and Other Delights.” The book documented the East Totem West “hippie business” McHugh founded which produced many iconic, psychoactively-inspired works of poster art during its brief existence.
As BB reader scifijazznik says in the comments, the posters make you “wanna take the elevator to the 13th floor (which is eight miles high) and have [your] 19th nervous breakdown while writing the 23rd strawberry letter, which is basically 10,000 words in a cardbord box, man.” In closing: duuuuude.

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