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Boing Boing Gift Guide 2009: fiction! (part 5/6)

Mark and I have rounded up some of our favorite items from our 2009 Boing Boing reviews for the second-annual Boing Boing gift guide. We’ll do one a day for the next six days, covering media (music/games/DVDs), gadgets and stuff, kids’ books, novels, nonfiction, and comics/graphic novels/art books. Today, it’s novels!

Makers (Cory Doctorow):
Technology lets low-cost providers take market share away from established companies, as Detroit auto makers and Paris fashion house designers have seen. Even high-tech companies have a hard time building sustainable businesses now that good ideas are copied so quickly that they become commodities.

In a time of great change, fiction can sometimes provide better understanding than facts alone. “As the pace of technological change accelerates, the job of the science fiction writer becomes not harder, but easier–and more necessary,” he writes. “After all, the more confused we are by our contemporary technology, the more opportunities there are to tell stories that lessen that confusion.”
L. Gordon Crovitz, Wall Street Journal
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The Strain: Book One
of The Strain Trilogy
Someone said The Strain is a
combination of The Stand, Invasion of the Body
, and I am Legend, which I’d say is a pretty
fair way of describing it. The first chapter is about an airplane that
lands at JFK from Germany and goes completely dark on the runway. It’s
so creepy that when I told my wife and daughter about it *they* got
creeped out just from my description.
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World Made by
In the sweet and sad novel, World Made By Hand by James
Howard Kunstler, the population of the United States (and most likely,
the world) has been decimated by an energy shortage, starvation,
plagues, terrorism, and global warming. The story takes place in an
unspecified time in the near future (I’m guessing it’s around 2025 or
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Unseen Academicals (Terry Pratchett):
Here’s the setup: the wizards of Unseen University have discovered that a key grant from a former Archchancellor requires them to keep a football team that plays regular matches. It’s been decades since the last UU team was fielded, and they’re in imminent danger of losing a substantial source of funding. Meanwhile, football itself — as played on the streets of Ankh-Morpork — is a vicious game that is more riot than sport, and the wizards of UU have no intention of getting involved in that mess.

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Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book: A Primer for Adults Only (Shel Silverstein):
R is for Red: The fire is red, the fire engine is red, the fireman’s hat is red… Too bad the fireman only goes to places WHERE THERE IS A FIRE.

T is for TV: See the nice TV. The TV is warm… The TV loves you. Do you know that there are little elves who live inside the TV? …If you take Daddy’s hammer and break open the TV you will see the funny little elves. What will you name them?

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The Caryatids (Bruce Sterling):
In The Caryatids, global warming has melted practically every government in the world (except China) — leaving behind a slurry of refugees, rising seas, and inconceivable misery. But there are two stable monoliths sticking out of the chaos, a pair of “civil society groups” that embody the two major schools of smart green thought today: the Dispensation are Al Gore green capitalists based out of California who understand that glamor and profits, properly aimed, achieve more than any amount of stern determination and chaste conservation; their rivals are the Aquis, mostly European anarcho-techno-geeks who have abandoned money in favor of technologically mediated communal life where giant, powerful, barely controlled machines are deployed to save the refugees and heal the Earth.

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Shatnerquake (Jeff Burk):
It’s the first ShatnerCon with William Shatner as the guest of honor! But after a failed terrorist attack by Campbellians, a crazy terrorist cult that worships Bruce Campbell, all of the characters ever played by William Shatner are suddenly sucked into our world. Their mission: hunt down and destroy the real William Shatner.
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Sandman Slim (Richard Kadrey):
Eleven years ago, James Stark was banished to hell by his circle of magic buddies, betrayed by his supposed friends for the crime of being a better magician than them. For eleven years, he’s suffered hell’s torments as Azazel’s mortal slave, first made to fight in the pits and then turned into an assassin. And now he’s escaped hell by stabbing himself in the heart with a key that opens every lock, and he’s returned to Los Angeles to seek his vengeance on the magicians who betrayed him. He hunts them across a demon-infested Los Angeles, dishing out and receiving relentless, graphic violence, determined to take his revenge and then die and leave the Earth behind forever.
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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance – Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem! (Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith):
Here’s the pitch: Seth Grahame-Smith has taken Jane Austen’s classic, beloved novel Pride and Prejudice and, by means of cunning textual insertions and deletions, changed the story so that it takes place in the midst of a Regency England that has been plunged into chaos by a plague of the living dead. It takes surprisingly little work to do this, and the book ends up feeling substantially like the classic mannered novel that so many adore. Except with zombie mayhem. The execution is flawless, often hilarious, and just plain clever.

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Mind Over Ship (David Marusek):
Mind Over Ship returns to the awesomely weird and exciting Marusek future, where humanity trembles on the verge of transcendence, splintering into people, clones, avatars, AIs, temporary and permanent models (some made without the model-ee’s consent) and a thousand other fragments. Each of these factions battles for the best deal it can get — even as the individual members of each clade fight for their own personal best interests.

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Leviathan (Scott Westerfeld):
Leviathan is set in an alternate steampunk past, in which the powers of the world are divided into “Clankers” who favour huge, steam-powered walking war-machines; and “Darwinists,” whose hybrid “beasties” can stand in for airships, steam-trains, war-ships, and subs (they even have a giant squid/octopus hybrid called the kraken that can seize whole warships and drag them to their watery graves).

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Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Robert Charles Wilson):
Julian is the story of a world sunk into feudal barbarism, 150 years after Peak Oil, plagues, economic collapse and war left the planet in tatters. Now, America (grown to encompass most of Canada, save for deeply entrenched Dutch and “mitteleuropean” forces in the now-verdant Labrador) is ruled over by a mad hereditary president, whose power is buoyed up by the Dominion, a religious authority that represents the true power in a nation where the new First Amendment guarantees the right to worship at any sanctioned church of your choosing.
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Ariel (Steven R Boyett):
I first read Steven R Boyett’s novel Ariel in 1983: I was twelve years old, and I was absolutely, totally hooked.

Here’s the premise: one day at 4:30 PM, the world Changes. Complex technology (anything beyond a simple machine) stops working. Magic starts working. Planes fall out of the sky, dragons take wing. Chaos wracks the world. Riots. Starvation. Murder.
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Cyberabad Days (Ian McDonald):
In Cyberabad Days, seven stories (one a Hugo winner, another a Hugo nominee) McDonald performs the quintessential science fictional magic trick: imagining massive technological change and making it intensely personal by telling the stories of real, vividly realized people who leap off the page and into our minds. And he does this with a deft prose that is half-poetic, conjuring up the rhythms and taste and smells of his places and people, so that you are really, truly transported into these unimaginably weird worlds. McDonald’s India research is prodigious, but it’s nothing to the fabulous future he imagines arising from today’s reality.
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Boneshaker (Cherie Priest):
Cherie Priest’s zombie steampunk mad-science dungeon crawl family adventure novel Boneshaker is everything you’d want in such a volume and much more.

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Enemy of Chaos (Leila Johnston):
Leila Johnston’s Enemy of Chaos is a geekily hilarious modern choose-your-own-adventure novel in which you play a middle aged bitter geek who is drafted into a branching narrative in which your goal is to save reality, while negotiating many of the familiar indignities of modern geekish life, from over-exuberant role-players to nuclear apocalypse.

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The Magicians (Lev Grossman):
Lev Grossman’s novel The Magicians may just be the most subversive, gripping and enchanting fantasy novel I’ve read this century. Quentin Coldwater is a nerdy, depressed, high-achieving Brooklyn kid who finds himself hijacked from his Princeton interview and whisked away to Brakebills Academy, a school of magic upstate on the Hudson. He passes the entrance exam and begins his education as a wizard.

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Other installments:

Part One: Kids

Part Two: Media

Part Three: Gadgets

Part Four: Nonfiction

Part Five: Fiction

Part Six: Comix, Art Books, etc

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