Boing Boing Staging

Tales from a kangaroo shooter

Jeff Simmermon says:

I worked as an offsider (assistant) to a kangaroo shooter in the Australian Outback in early 2004. It was dirty, disgusting, blood-soaked work and it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of that experience in some way or another. It taught me a lot: I learned to get tough, how to do some hard, hard work, and how to put aside all my delicate city liberal ideas and face the realities of the food chain.

Kangaroos are pests in Australia, and people eat their meat all the time. And meat does not just cheerfully lie itself down on the burger bun, either. Kangaroo meat is as free-range and organic as it gets, but you’ve still got to do a fair bit of old-fashioned killing to make it happen – and the process is disturbing, gory, and pretty hideous. Not unlike the rest of nature, the parts they don’t show you on the television programs.

Roo Shooter

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