Boing Boing Staging

Halloweens of yore, remembered through costumes.


Gareth Branwyn says, “Paul Overton of DudeCraft has been running a series of well-known bloggers writing about their Halloween memories. Here’s mine.”

Snip from Gar’s wonderful contribution:

The above picture is from one of the years (1984?) where we were living in a group house and the whole group went as The Addams Family. That’s the “real” Patch Adams as Gomez. We were a house of all impressively eccentric people, so going as the Addams Family wasn’t much of a stretch. I’m Cousin It, on the left. My whole-hair body is made from a crapload of fake fur material. It was hot as hell in there and I couldn’t see very well out of the eye-holes, which brings us full circle to those arrested memories of my childhood. I may still find myself in sweaty, restrictive costumes, but I can assure you that the view from my ill-cut eye-holes is far more exciting than anything that little suburban unfortunate ever could have imagined.

Halloween Stories – Gareth Branwyn – Mr. Wonderful et al [Dudecraft]

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