Boing Boing Staging

Zombie Street Fashion


On Saturday night, I staggered over to downtown Minneapolis for the 5th annual Zombie Pub Crawl, a celebration of creative horror makeup and playful kitsch. I’d gone to the Crawl once before, in 2007. On that outing, it was enough to just show up in (blood covered) street clothes and zombie makeup. This year, however, featured some fabulous new directions in themed zombies. Thanks to the excellent work of my friend and photographer Leah Shaffer, I’m able to bring you a sampling of the Twin Cities’ finest in zombie couture…

What do we want?


When do we want ’em?


Technically, she was a cavewoman cannibal. But she looked like a zombie.

There was also a scarecrow, a cowardly lion, Dorothy and two flying monkeys.

Sister Mary Brains prays for your undead soul.

Santa promised Leah a dead puppy for Christmas.

This may well have been the creepiest costume of the evening.

Ladies and gentlemen, the dead presidents: Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, and Thomas Jefferson.

The buck stops with Zombie Harry Truman.

And, finally, Leah as a Zombie Viking and me, as Zombie Julia Child.

Good work, Twin Citians! As usual, I’m impressed by your creativity and general awesomeness.

All photos by Leah Shaffer, except for last shot, which was taken by Neal Spinler. Photos used with permission. Please credit the photographers if you re-use.

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