Boing Boing Staging

Alan Moore's new zine: Dodgem Logic


Joe sez,

The mere fact that the Great Bearded Wizard of Albion, Mr Alan Moore, is behind a new journal, Dodgem Logic, should be enough to get a lot of us interested. But add in talents like the Josie Long, Graham Linehan, Kev O’Neill, Melinda Gebbie, Steve Aylett and others and I’m pretty much sold and I’d imagine so are most of us.

But it gets even better – this is a new underground journal that seems to be part entertainment, part grassroots activism/advice on all sorts of subjects dear to many boingers’ hearts, from guerilla gardening to making your own clothes, living on no cash (something most of us will find essential these days!), steampunk guides to rebuilding collapsed civilisation…

Alan’s daughter Leah and hubby John Reppion (themselves excellent comics writers) have the official release describing the first edition (which will come with a segment designed to take local content so it can be reworked for different areas – a great idea), which comes from Tony Bennet’s great Indy comics press Knockabout (home to Hunt Emerson & Gilbert Shelton as well as UK publishers of the new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). Is it just me or is this the perfect sounding journal for BBers?

Announcing: Alan Moore’s “Dodgem Logic”

(Thanks, Joe!)

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