A tweet from Quinn Norton reminded me of this very funny parody Instructable by jdibbell. In just seven unneccesarily complicated steps, you too can learn how to transform a “weightless virtual commodity into a lovingly handmade piece of artisanal craftwork fated to collapse into its own meta-indexical core like the semiotic black hole it is.”
* one literary property (written but not owned by you)
* one arguably enforceable end-user license agreement (can be custom-ordered from an intellectual-property law firm or cribbed from software packaging and/or online terms-of-service agreements)
* one Second Life user account
* one United States Federal Reserve note or other tangible piece of currency (optional)
* basic bookbinding materials (available at most art-supply stores)
How to Handcraft an Achingly Self-Referential Virtual Commodity Fetish Object (For Fun and Profit!) (instructables.com)