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How to avoid ads in Gmail (or not)

Carrie McLaren is a guest blogger at Boing Boing and coauthor of Ad Nauseam: A Survivor’s Guide to American Consumer Culture. She lives in Brooklyn, the former home of her now defunct Stay Free! magazine.

Someone called Joester is purporting to show us how to block out gmail ads by using magic words in email messages, such as 9/11 or “suicide.”  In other words, the ads that appear when your email is catastrophe-free:

…are gone when the email you receive contains trigger words:

But it’s not as easy as it sounds. Putting the key words in a signature file doesn’t work; the ads return. Also, writes Joester:

If the message runs long google turns the ads back on. However, if you add another “sensitive” word they go off again. After extensive testing I’ve discovered you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email.

Questions remain. What are all the trigger words? How do you avoid scaring the people who receive your emails with your seemingly pointless references to incest and gang rape? More importantly, shouldn’t this be more accurately described as a method for helping the people who you email who have gmail avoid ads?

Link (via Adlab)

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