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Great Firewall of Australia to block video games unsuitable for people under 15

Mike sez, “According to the Australian government, video games are worse than porn; they’re planning to block web-based games deemed unsuitable for anyone over the age of fifteen.

This would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Just call us South China from now on.”

So far, this has only applied to local bricks-and-mortar stores selling physical copies of games, but a spokesman for Senator Conroy confirmed that under the filtering plan, it will be extended to downloadable games, flash-based web games and sites which sell physical copies of games that do not meet the MA15+ standard.

This means that even Australians who are aged above 15 and want to obtain the adult-level games online will be unable to do so. . It will undoubtedly raise the ire of gamers, the average age of which is 30 in Australia, according to research commissioned by the Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia.

Colin Jacobs, spokesman for the online users’ lobby group Electronic Frontiers Australia, said the Government clearly went far beyond any mandate it had from the public to help parents deal with cyber-safety.

He said Australians would soon learn this the hard way when they find web pages mysteriously blocked.

“This is confirmation that the scope of the mandatory censorship scheme will keep on creeping,” said Mr Jacobs.

“Far from being the ultimate weapon against child abuse, it now will officially censor content deemed too controversial for a 15-year-old. In a free country like ours, do we really need the government to step in and save us from racy web games?”

Web filters to censor video games

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