Boing Boing Staging

Today at <em>Boing Boing Gadgets</em>

The iPhone 3G S launched this morning (w00t!). Did BBG wake up at 4:45 a.m. and head to Apple’s flagship store in San Francisco to: a) shoot video, b) purchase said gadget, c) make fun of fanboys, d) spend 2 hours dealing with AT&T, or e) all of the above* ?

• Video of an overeager fanboy charging the pearly gates and getting denied!

• Our first impressions of the iPhone 3G S [verdict: click here to find out]

• Will the new iPhone sell well? The line, frenzy at the SF Apple Store early this a.m. wasn’t quite as large as previous launches.

• Would you pay $55 to tether your iPhone, or any handset for that matter?

• Should the 13″ Mac Laptop be a “Pro“?

• Timbaland is getting sued for chiptune plagiarism (uh oh).

• An attractive, USB-powered laptop fan.

• We ran a contest for a set of magnetic BuckyBalls. Contest is over (bummer), but feel free to share your favorite Buckminster Fuller quote, or check some reader favorites, in the comments.

• Video of a homemade electric car that looks like a 1950s alien space ship.

• Looking for a Nintendo Entertainment System that’s fit for a pimp?

• Popcorn Hour is launching a set-top box that supports Blu-ray… oh, and every video format.

• Why play Wii Bowling with a remote shaped like a stick of butter, when you can use a faux-bowling ball?

*The answer is d)

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