Boing Boing Staging

BB Video: Maker Faire Selects – CandyFab, DIY Screen Printing, Electric Music.

(Download / YouTube) In today’s edition of Boing Boing Video, Mark Frauenfelder and Boing Boing Gadgets editor Lisa Katayama profile three cool things found at the recent Bay Area Maker Faire: The Yudu personal screen printer, an interactive, collaborative, musical Tesla Coil, and a candy-fabbing device from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.
Below, one of the freaky, free-form sugar creations produced (photo courtesy Windell of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories)


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Sponsor shout-out: This week’s Boing Boing Video episodes are brought to you in part by, in partnership with Intel and Asus. is a site where users come together to “share ideas, images and inspiration about the ideal PC.” Participants’ designs, feature ideas and community feedback will be evaluated by ASUS and “will influence the blueprint for an actual notebook PC built by ASUS with Intel inside.”

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