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BB Video: Recent Episodes, For Your Viewing Pleasure.

Recently on Boing Boing Video

* “TO.” An ambient animated short by filmmaker Bob Jaroc and the band Plaid (Warp Records). Best enjoyed with stereophonic supersonic headphones, so you can appreciate the shift from one channel to another, while you watch thousands of starlings take flight in a burnt sunset sky. (DOWNLOAD / YOUTUBE)

* “SEBASTIAN’S VOODOO.” We revisit a beautiful animated work by UCLA student Joaquin Baldwin, which we first featured on our daily video program about a year ago. It’s up for an award at Cannes! Vote for it! (DOWNLOAD)

$5 COVER.” Director Craig Brewer (Hustle and Flow , Black Snake Moan) talks to us about his latest project: the MTV online series $5 Cover, which chronicles the internet-age lives and dreams of struggling musicians in Memphis, Tennessee. (DOWNLOAD / YOUTUBE)

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