Boing Boing Staging

Convention on Modern Liberty: final panel with me, Billy Bragg, Lisa Appignanesi, Feargal Sharkey, Paul Gilroy and Henry Porter

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of participating in the closing panel at the Convention on Modern Liberty with Billy Bragg, Lisa Appignanesi, Feargal Sharkey, Paul Gilroy and Henry Porter. The Convention was a whole-day event in which activists, scholars, Parliamentarians, regulators, teachers, cryptographers and others. On the closing panel, we were asked to give closing thoughts on the event — I talked about the fact that British authoritarians have promised us security in exchange for taking away our liberty, but have not delivered; we’ve lost our freedom and been made less secure.

The Convention’s just uploaded the videos from the event, and I really enjoyed watching it from the other side of the stage, especially Billy Bragg’s talk. The last question — “What has moved our rights forward?” — was especially good.

Evening Plenary: Pen Session

Cory Doctorow at Convention on Modern Liberty

Final thoughts at Convention on Modern Liberty

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