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The New Brighton Archeological Society

Nbas Boing

Scott says: The New Brighton Archeological Society by Mark Andrew Smith and Matthew Weldon, published by Image Comics, is one of the very best all ages graphic novels in years. It proves that there can be an outlet to introduce kids to the world of picture-based story telling without pandering to them or horrifying their innocent sensibilities. A recent review by Optimous Douche at Ain’t It Cool News effectively captures the spirit of the OGN:

To build this world Smith put a brilliant spin on past literature ranging from children’s tales like Peter Pan, fantasy lore like Lord of the Rings and even a nice smattering of some tales from eastern cultures. Despite the fact I had read most of the source of material, his imaginative take on telling these tales through the eyes of a child made all of the concepts feel as fresh and exciting for me as a reader as they were for the new Brighton Archeologists.

The New Brighton Archeological Society

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