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Krassner: Stewart was right the first time

Douglas Rushkoff is a guest blogger.

Paul Krassner posted an interesting response to the attacks on Jon Stewart for having called Harry Truman a “war criminal” and then apologizing. 

I also feel compelled to disagree with Jon Stewart. I think that Harry
Truman was indeed a war criminal. Actually, I believe that in most
wars, both sides harbor top-level war criminals, but that the victor
determines who they are. As Lenny Bruce said in 1962 at the Gate of
Horn in Chicago, “If we would have lost the war, they would have strung
Truman up by the balls….” Lenny was arrested for obscenity that
night. One of the items in the police report complained: “When talking
about the war he stated, ‘If we would have lost the war, they would
have strung Truman up by the balls.'”

Huffington Post

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