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RFIDs on the Brain

Douglas Rushkoff, the author of Life Inc., is a guest blogger.

Here’s Patrick Dixon, of Siemens, advertising as features all the things about RFID tags that I always thought should bother people the most. The first time I watched this, I figured it was The Yes Men having one over on the Ascent Business Leadership Forum.

I mean – it’s all there: implanted RFIDs with human brain tissue growing naturally over them, total surveillance, predictive marketing… I suppose it’s possible I’m still seeing this out of context – and that the speaker is actually pointing out how scary and strange this stuff gets. But I don’t think so.

My favorite bit may be the reaction shot of one of the businessmen, who seems to be actually considering whether he is now fully and irrevocably engaged with the dark side of the force.

(Thanks, Joe, for sending it my way.)

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