A woman in Mansfield, TX spent a day chasing off aggressive bargain-hunters who were responding to a Craigslist posting offering her tetherball and and basketball hoop for free. The ad had allegedly been placed by her neighbor, a cop who didn’t like having them visible next door. By the end of the day, the bargain-seekers had managed to make off with both.
Sherry Johnson Huwitt was standing at her kitchen window in her bathrobe shortly before dawn a couple of weeks ago when two strangers pulled up and started loading the portable basketball goal from the side of her house into a truck.
Sherry Johnson Huwitt says that when she recently confronted strangers who were about to haul off a portable basketball goal from outside her house, they told her the item had been offered for giveaway in an ad on Craigslist.
When the Mansfield woman ran outside to confront them, they said they weren’t stealing because the item was offered for the taking on Craigslist.
“What the hell is Craigslist?” she asked.
Huwitt had never heard of the advertising Web site and hadn’t posted any such ad. Someone else did: Free basket ball goal and tether ball pole. At dead end of roadway beside my home…(address) dont knock its placed out there for you to come get. will delete when gone. thanks.
Mansfield woman says Arlington officer offered her possessions on Craigslist without her consent
(via Consumerist)