Boing Boing Staging

Boing Boing Video: "War Dialer," an ambient animation by Bob Jaroc and Plaid

(MP4 Download here). Update: BB commenter Squeevy astutely suggests regarding this particular episode, “For best viewing (and association with what is going on) I suggest using stereo headphones and not laptop speakers or computer speakers.”

Today’s Boing Boing Video episode is an ambient piece by animator/filmmaker Bob Jaroc and the band Plaid.

“War Dialer,” which references phone phreaking and early proto-hackery through a non-narrative, droning flow of sound and speech-babble, was originally created as an 8-channel audio-only installation in a bandstand on Brighton seafront as part of the Sonic Sea Air project, ten years ago.

Jaroc says, “Plaid and i began to use it as a visual piece around the time we started to play surround sound gigs, as it served as a good visual and sonic introduction to the idea that the images on screen were related to the spacial audio.”

I suggest replaying the piece in the background a few times, and droning out to it while you work.

Music taken from Plaid’s Greedy Baby album, which you can buy here.

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