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More on the new Mark Ryden toy

Yesterday, I posted about Mark Ryden’s first toy as photographed by Brian McCarty. Hi-Fructose has Linda Abbott‘s behind-the-scenes shots of the photo session and an interview with Long Gone John, founder of Sympathy for the Record Industry and also Necessaries Toy Foundation, makers of the forthcoming Ryden collectible. From Hi-Fructose:

 Images Blog 2009 03 Yhwhpaint
It is a gorgeous product produced in a rich pink, with high quality blue doll eyes rimmed in a deeper rose. There is an additional “special edition” that will be of 80 run in black and 80 in white, that will be signed by Ryden. The box itself is a piece of graphic confectionary itself, like a magical curio from a time gone by. Looking similar to a Chinese firework box, the box is embossed with gold leaf, and features hand wrapped paper. “ We really wanted to make this look like it was an artifact from a long time ago, like something that had just been sitting on a shelf for ages” John says. “We really made an effort to make it look not contemporary as much as we could.”

Mark Ryden’s YHWH & behind the scenes photoshoot

UPDATE: See more photos of the shoot at Linda Abbott’s photo blog!

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