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Fantastic fan-site for Disney World's Polynesian Resort needs hosting

Henry sez, “Steve Seifert has been religiously documenting Disney’s Polynesian Resort since 1999, first on geocities, and now on homestead. While it’s certainly not the most modern, it really shows off true passion of the early web: a single subject site that’s zealously updated. Steve also runs the popular Disney fandom Tikifest event, happening this summer.

With his homestead bandwidth bills going, Steve is going to shut down the site as early as today. Please help Steve keep the site alive! Email: if you can provide hosting / help him import to a more reasonable site.”

This really is an impressive fan-site. The Poly is one of my favorite hotels in the world. I wrote the middle chapters of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom on a lanai in the Roratonga long-house, listening to the distant howl of the wolves at the Haunted Mansion, the chug of the railroad, the crack of the Jungle Cruise drivers shooting the hippos, and the calls of the tropical birds all around (I made close friends with an ibis on that trip).

Tikiman’s Polynesian Resort Pages

(Thanks, Henry!)

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